WLPN “This Is Nashville:” The state of adoption in Tennessee

After the Supreme Court overturned Roe vs. Wade, some supporters of the ruling presented adoption as an alternative solution to unwanted pregnancies….

While adoption may be an option, it’s not necessarily so straightforward, and the process can also be tricky to navigate, both for birth parents and hopeful adoptive parents. What is the state of adoption in Tennessee right now, and what does it look like for those wanting to adopt children? Could lack of abortion access lead more children to be put up for adoption? Is Tennessee’s system ready to handle an increase in foster care and adoption requests? And what’s it like to be adopted, anyway?

In this episode, we’re joined by adult adoptees, someone looking to adopt and adoption advocates. Listen via WPLN “This Is Nashville” >


Nashville Scene: If Adoption Rates Grow, so Should Psychological and Legislative Support


USA Today: The South helped lead the way on abortion bans, Is the adoption system ready?